How to Become Accredited?

As part of its accreditation program, U360 Cert accepts submissions from “Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) and Further Education and Training Institutions (FETI)” from around the globe (referred to as an “Applicant”).

Accreditation by the U360 Cert involves the following steps:

  • Download the Accreditation Scheme Manual and the Application Pack.
  • Read and understand U360 Cert ‘s Accreditation Scheme Manual, especially the Accreditation Requirement and Fee Schedule.
  • As specified in the U360 Cert Accreditation Scheme Manual, applicants must comply with ISO/IEC 17021:2006 requirements and other accreditation requirements such as “Responsible Education Provider”TM, and to have the essential resources to perform activities throughout the requested scope. Regardless of whether accreditation is granted or not, all fees will be paid to U360 Cert .
  • After the U360 Cert receives the Application Forms and Fees, it reviews the application documents and provides a report to the applicant based on the relevant accreditation criteria. A document-based system must meet the necessities before the next stage of assessment can proceed.
  • In order to conduct the office and witness assessment, the applicant CAB arranges access to all materials, records, and personnel as necessary.
  • As appropriate, U360 Cert selects an assessment team to conduct on-site assessments at the applicant’s offices and other locations. Following the assessments, the accreditation approval committee (AAC) receives a report detailing their findings and recommendations.
  • After reviewing the report, the AAC decides whether to grant accreditation.
  • The applicant receives a Certificate of Accreditation upon signing the Accreditation Agreement if accreditation is approved.
  • Applicants who are not approved are notified of the reasons for the decision and may submit a further application at a later date.
  • Once an organization has been accredited, it undergoes regular visits to ensure that it is still complying with the accreditation criteria.
  • Every three years, the accreditation criteria are reassessed.