Our Premium Services

Our Best Services

Accreditation for Certification bodies

The accreditation program of U360 Cert is based on practical evidences that an organization operates at a high level of organizational, legal and technical standards

Accreditation for Laboratories

U360 Cert designs its accreditation programs on internationally recognized standards in order to ensure worldwide acceptance of your accreditation.

Accreditation for Inspection Bodies

U360 Cert has developed a unique approach to provide all interested parties with guidelines for implementing performance features of the applicable standards referenced in the accreditation criteria.

To Government

U360 Cert has an active Government engagement program. If you are responsible for setting or delivering policies that involve any form of independent evaluation, U360 Cert can help define your needs or to design an assessment service to suit your policy requirements.

About Our Company

U360 Cert is an independent, non-profit accreditation board offering accreditation programs for wide range of Certification bodies, Laboratories, and Inspection bodies. U360 Cert checks the checkers. Our accreditation programs are designed in accordance with various international standards that ensure global acceptance of its accreditations.


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Our accreditation opens marketing opportunity

The accreditation of U360 Cert is universally accepted and certification bodies have been abundantly benefited using U360 Cert accreditation for offering multiple beneficial services for organizations. Our accreditation opens marketing opportunity by enhancing brand image and also the products and services are endorsed with highest assurance which will become a key factor for boosting customer confidence.